If you’re a hunter, tactical shooter, firearms fan, gun collector, trap and skeet plunker or just a plain Jane enthusiastic American, you probably understand the consequence of the Second Amendment. It’s not the 13th, or the seventh, or the 10th. It’s #2. Sadly, a significant number of California’s state reps do not, and they have pushed some potential laws through the state legislature that will make it almost impossible for Californians to embrace their 2A rights. These bills are before the governor right now.
Based on hyperbole, flawed research and kneejerk reactivism rather than actual facts, laws like SB 374 and AB 711 would outlaw semi-automatic firearms (more than 95% of firearms owned in America are semi-auto), ban detachable magazines, require citizen registration to purchase ammo, ban lead ammo, and enforce a slew of other wrongheaded ideas that will only serve to penalize and/or felonize law-abiding Americans while stopping virtually no crime.
The NRA has trained its sights on crushing these ill-thunk laws in court, and local reps like Assemblyman Brian Jones have been standup supporters of our 2A rights, speaking out against the bills now resting on the governor’s desk awaiting his veto (or God forbid, his signature). Now, what are you doing to explain your position to the Gov. Brown?
Visit CalGuns.net for more information about contacting CA Gov. Jerry Brown, and then do your part – pick up a phone, a pen or attack your keyboard with a polite expression of your support of the Second Amendment and your feelings about the dangers posed by these bills should they become law. Then, tune in to the Garage Hour, and we’ll have Brian on-air with us in the near future.