The seasons in Southern California are strange things. There is no Fall, Spring or Winter – if asked, most locals refer to them as Earthquake, Fire, Riot and Summer. Amongst gearheads, however, there are other seasons, including Desert, Off-Road, and Twisty; Twisty is almost here.
The twisty season is all about curvy roads, canyons in need of carving and hills in need of climbing. Roads with names like Sunrise and Ortega and Angeles Crest. You don’t need lots of power (though it’s nice) – this is about skill. A fast guy in a Miata can chase motorcycles all day long, just like a fast girl in a Mini. It’s also about having the right parts – brakes, tires, cooling – and the right skills – poseurs need not apply. Will you join us? Can you?
Twisty season is not limited to California, of course, but it comes at different times in different regions. When is yours? Here in SoCal, it’s coming. We’ll also be chatting curvies on the Garage Hour, so as the air cools and the turbos spool, catch us if you can.