Set your faces for stunned – it’s one of thooooose Garage Hours, where we keep throwing interesting at the wall to see what sticks.
Today’s show at 6:PM has a little of everything, and when we say everything, we mean environmentalism (the what’s-up on the whole Blackfish freakout) with a real-live one (dolphin and whale fan; not an environmentalist whacko), some of the back-story on all of the Democrats being singled out for their duplicitous criminal nature (some would say the DOJ is winnowing out the weak ones before 2014…), some fun broken truck part fixes (old Toyotas never die, they just squeak more) and some shotgun shells that we’ve never used before that might or might not be awesome, but are definitely made in the USA and inexpensive.
Join host Justin Fort at 6:PM, with cohosts .45 Phil, Crag Maxwell, Kristine Alessio (mayyyyybe) and old friend of ours (and aspiring cohost), Leslie Rapp.