Your Black Box: How Every New Car Could be Tracked

Your Constitutionally-guaranteed freedoms are under attack. Some more.

11188This is not James Bond, this is not fantasy BS – members of the same US government (as well as many states’ governments) that brought you Obamacare, Benghazi and the IRS want to put full-time GPS-linked tracking devices in every new car.  They want to track your car and/or truck wherever it goes. Their reason – as far as they’ll confess – is so they can bill you for every mile you drive to help pay for road maintenance and bridge repair.

Judge Napolitano at Fox did a good schtick about it in October.

1.  Aren’t we already paying gas taxes to maintain our roads? No, most local and state governments put that money in their general coffers and use it to shell out for things like underfunded pensions.

2. Mileage improvements in many vehicles (whether real or imagined) are reducing (as far as bureaucrats are concerned) the amount of money gas taxes contribute to state and local governments, which means these officials need to find other ways to get into our pockets.


Taxed Enough Already?  This reasoning doesn’t even include the more Machiavellian methodology of a growing authoritarian presidency that wants to reach into every detail of your life.  With a black box in your vehicle that communicates your whereabouts and distance driven, how soon before your passenger count, speed, style of driving or behind-the-wheel behavior becomes the government’s concern?  Forget TEA Party thinking, how about 1984?

It’s your life, and it’s about time you get pissed off that someone else wants it to be theirs.


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