06.21.14 @ 6:PM -> Understanding the AR-15 and Other Things the Kleptocrats Said You Should Fear, Plus Cars, Trucks and Beers with Direct Action Solutions

i-should-liberia-gun-demotivational-poster-1224875909Tune in at 6:PM on Saturday to revisit the false dichotomy of how automatic assault weapons and black machine guns that fire 3000 rounds a second will kill your children and molest the mailman – it’s crap (holy crap), and we’re going to help you understand why the AR-15 and many other “black” rifles are some of the best home defense weapons for women, a delight for acclimating young shooters, and akin to adult LEGOs for anyone who likes building things in their garage.

Joining Hostus Maximus Justin Fort, road-race slicer dicer, and .45 Phil, 27-year Marine and That Which Goes Bump in the Night, in the studio will be Taylor from Solana Beach’s Direct Action Solutions, who’s going to help us understand some of the bureaucratic intricacy and jackassery faced by legal firearms owners in California and the US, and will also help us chat our listeners into their first visit to a gun store (because you know you want to).

Also, cars, trucks and beers – it’s the Garage Hour, after all.


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