June 28/6:PM: Getting It Out of Our Systems – We’re International, Baby! Democracy VS Bureaucracy, Plus Iraq, Our Southern Border, Employment and Larry Wilske (Candidate for San Diego’s 53rd District)

The Garage Hour is pretty gear and beercentric most of the time, but every now and again we need to dig deep into the other holes we like – in this case, it’s government (a.k.a. What’s Wrong with This Picture?).  We’re going to light a fuse under a few of the hot-button dealios that make Americans so upset nowadays, most notably the unfolding extremist mess in Iraq, the well developed train wreck in Eastern Europe at the hands of ReSoviet Russia, the unopened can of doom in the South China Sea, and how Barry O’s feckless and/or reckless Obamination Administration is making it all much, much worse.

We’ll then turn the cannons stateside for a scary look at what’s going on on the US’s border with Mexico (thank God for Canada, eh?) and how this hazardous border policy will expose the US to criminals, militaries, diseases and extremists from south of the border.  If you’re not scared now, you ought to be.

In the studio with former factor test driver and host Justin Fort will be .45 Phil, 27-year Marine, Matt Klier (CEO of Active Shooter Defense School), and Larry Wilske, former SEAL Team 7 Command Master Chief and candidate for San Diego’s 53rd congressional seat.


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